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- Who is going to do this?
- Nobody is capable of casting detect magic.
- Physical attack
- You are wearing that item.
- You cannot trade items now!
- This item appears to be cursed!
- You do not have enough free hands.
- You cannot wear any more items of that type.
- It is not this character's turn for action.
- There is no saved game here.
- No spell selected for casting.
- No one is capable of casting.
- You need a parchment.
- You are the wrong class.
- You do not have a scroll case.
- You cannot use that here.
- You do not have enough power.
- That would overload you.
- Previously saved games will not reflect this change. You might want to save now.
- Please press the 'Caps Lock' key.
- That spell cannot be used in camp.
- That spell cannot be used in combat.
- This character has passed beyond, FOREVER.
- Animated characters are not capable of using scrolls.
- This character is dead.
- This character's condition prevents this.
- This scroll case is full.
- This item is not usable to your character class.
- This item is not usable to your race.
- You cannot wear two rings of similar magic.
- The laws of magic will let you possess only one scroll case.
- Select new party order by clicking on the character portraits in the reverse order you wish them to march.
- You gain experience!
- You find treasure!
- You gain experience and find treasure!
- You do not have enough gold.
- That is not a valid character file or the file is damaged.
- You are too close to an enemy to use that weapon.
- You need to equip a quiver OR some arrows to use a bow.
- That item cannot be joined with one similar to its kind.
- That item cannot be split.
- You cannot carry any more items.
- Character's name is too long.
- Nobody is capable of casting Identify.
- Sorry, disk error.
- Press 'SPACE' to Cast.
- Press 'A' to Abort.
- That kind of item cannot be worn.
- This character does not have enough money available to use.
- The party does not have enough gold.
- You have fled the battle scene and receive no bounty or experience.
- That item cannot be used in combat.
- Building combat map....
- You are too tired to continue. You need to rest.
- You have triggered a trap!
- Memory error...Please restart your machine and try again.
- A shop or temple must be available to do that.
- You need to select more actions or cancel.
- You must select delay at the beginning of your movement.
- That item is equipped. To equip or remove, hold command key and click.
- That scenario is not in the scenario folder.
- You have no one to trade with.
- Sorry, you cannot switch scenarios during a game.
- Adding that character would exceed the maximum levels allowed.
- Please register this copy of Realmz.
- Sorry, that was wrong........
- Sorry, You must have at least one member in the party.
- There is nobody left in the battle to collect any treasure.
- You do not have the scenario files for the selected game.
- Sorry, that name is too long. You must use 26 characters or less.
- You find nothing of value.
- You must equip a scroll case before you can use it.
- Sorry....Your thief has failed to read the scroll correctly and it is now lost.
- Sorry....A paladin must reach the 7th level before he can cast clerical magic.
- Drop Item Protection is on. To drop an item you must hold down the command key and click drop.
- This character is too high a level to be used in an unregistered copy.
- Not a valid number. Enter your old Serial Number, not Registration Code.
- Sorry... That is incorrect.
- Sorry... I won't store items that can store magical charges.
- You are too close to an enemy to flee from combat. You must be 10 paces away.
- Sorry.... You have already performed actions that prohibit the use of UNDO.
- Sorry.... You characters condition prevents him from fleeing.
- It takes a full round to bandage a PC. You have been involved in combat.
- That item has no magical charges left. It needs to be recharged.
- That is not a valid value. You must select a value from 3 to 25.
- Sorry, you must cast blink as the first thing you do in a combat round.
- This item is a special item and may need to be used in an encounter situation.
- To do that you need to click the "Encounter" button from the main screen before using it.
- No Game Description
- That spell must be cast from within an encounter. Click 'Encounter' button to cast.
- Please register this scenario.
- You need to select a form of payment before printing.
- Make sure to fill in your credit card number, expiration date and name.
- Sorry, look down view not available. 3D view only.
- You may now use the 3D or look down view.
- You may now use the 3D view only.
- Your compass will now function again.
- Your compass will not function here.
- This PC has some items you may need to finish the scenario!
- There are no entries to review. You must create an entry with command-T first.
- Cannot find requested monster file. Using default monsters.
- This option is not available until you register the scenario driver.
- You may only generate level 1 characters.
- Sorry... Can't play requested background music. (Damn!)
- Banking available. All money left in the pool will be banked.
- You have already bagged your limit -OR- there is no monster here.
- This NPC feels your party is too large already and declines to join you.
- This NPC may be important to the scenario. Leave behind at your own risk.